Monday, July 5, 2010

The contrast between today's food and the food of the recent past

So let not the title of the post confuse you: I'm just talking about me and what I ate. Today so far I have had: peanut butter on toast with an americano for breakfast, cup of noodles for lunch. First of all, I was talking about cup of noodles yesterday and someone turned their proverbial nose up at it. Cup of Noodles is fucking AWESOME. Anyone who says it isn't is lying to themselves in some sort of deep, dark shame spiral of a double life. They know in their heart of hearts that that very heart longs to be all messed up on some MSG. Throw a little chilgarsau on there and, well, you got a stew goin'. Later I will probably have a popsicle and/or ice cream. These dietary choices are due mostly to poverty, with a little dash of laziness thrown in for good measure.
That being said, I will say I have been cooking more lately, and enjoying it. We have been doing a fair amount of grilling, which is one of my all-time favorite things. I'm been doing a lot of chicken, messing around with different glazes and the like. I mixed butter, Texas Pete, chilgarsau, and some Lusty Monk Original Sin mustard and boy, it was a banger. The best new thing, I think, is the grilled corn. I grilled some corn for the second time this past week at the beach, and it was oh-so-many leaps and bounds better than the first time. A nice, long soak in sugar water and some time over some awesome hardwood lump coals? Yes, please. Forget about any chains you might have had, for verily I say to thee, this corn was off any and all of them.
You might have noticed I keep going back and forth from "we" to "I." This is in part due to the fact that I recently got engaged. ENGAGED, FOOLS. That has had a fair amount to do with more cooking. It feels much more manageable, and much more fun when cooking with a partner. I must also give props to a couple of the culinary endeavours for which the Fiancėe was mainly at the helm. She made Pozole, which is a delicious and insanely easy Mexican soup (Seriously. So easy). Also some apricot-glazed chicken with roasted potatoes. Fresh apricots from the tree outside the door we take into work, which she had the genius and vision to purėe using a M'F'ing garlic press, threw in some ginger, and Bob's your uncle. Delish.
I am also looking forward to doing this with two friends I'm moving in with shortly, as we have already done lots of talking about food and what we will make. Also brewing beer. It has been a really long time since I've done that, and I am pumped. We might also distill? One future roommate was telling me yesterday there is some delivery service for local produce? Aw F yeah Carrboro.

1 comment:

Kaitlin said...

"One future roommate was telling me yesterday there is some delivery service for local produce"

Is it a CSA?